The Office Resource includes the roster of offices who are members of the MLS and/or association of REALTORS®.
See the Office Resource in the RESO Data Dictionary.
Remember to URL Encode query string values prior to sending HTTP requests. To aid with readability, the URLs in this document are displayed without URL encoding and wrapped over multiple lines.
Retrieve an Office by OfficeKey
This query will retrieve the Office with an OfficeKey equal to 123456:'123456')
Retrieve All Offices
This first query will retrieve 1,000 Offices ordered by OfficeKey:$top=1000&$orderby=OfficeKey
Subsequent queries should retrieve 1,000 Offices ordered by OfficeKey with OfficeKey greater than the last OfficeKey received in the previous batch:$top=1000&$orderby=OfficeKey
&$filter=OfficeKey gt '123456'
Continue querying like this until the number of results is fewer than 1,000.
Office Logos
Office logos are stored in the Media
resource. The Office record will contain a PhotosChangeTimestamp
field indicating the last time the logo for the office was changed.
This query will retrieve the logo for an Office with a OfficeKey equal to 123456:
?$filter=ResourceRecordKey eq '123456'
and ResourceName eq 'Office'